Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Amy's Idea

Amy had the great idea of doing a recipe blog instead of doing a cookbook. I took it upon myself to get the blog started and now it is up to everyone to keep it going! It is a fun and easy way to share ideas....and I think it would be great to share any fun crafty idea too. What do you guys think? I must insist that we all put pictures with the recipes we share that way we can get a look at what the final product looked like.

I love it so lets get cooking!


Trent and Kim said...

Good job Kari! I love the layout and I am so excited for this. I am just a wannabe cook so I am excited for everyone's ideas. Love you all!

mike and amy vb said...

Thanks! Good Job. I am really excited to get this going too. Yee Haw!!